Friday, October 1, 2010

Banned Books Week

This week is Banned Books Week and I think that it is important to celebrate children's right to read.  I think that kids have a right to read whatever they want to.  If a parent doesn't want their child to read a book, they can discuss that with their child.  Books written for children should be available to children.  Reading is the way children learn many things.  Authors have a reason for every word they put into a book and if they don't believe that children or adults will benefit from the words, they will leave them out.  If a book is banned from one word that its author used, children will not benefit from any of the words used.  Moving books to restricted shelves does the same thing.  Not all children will have access to them and they deserve that access.  All children should have access to any book they would like to read.  I am glad that my parents let me read whatever I want.  I feel if I hadn't been able to read challenged books I would not have been able to learn so much and excel in the world of children's literature.  I believe that in order to excel in all feilds children need to read.


  1. Laura, I remember being appalled at the library system that asked if I wanted to restrict my children's library card. (My children were 9,8,6 and 5) This happened when your mother was eight. I said at the time and you have said in your blog, "if they want to read it they could read anything in the library". Isn't that what libraries are for? If they want to talk about a book that would be great too! Grandma

  2. Grandma,
    Restricting kids from books limits great learning and great conversation.

  3. Yeah Laura!!!
    -Sam B. from Cincinnati
