Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Interrupt This Blog to Talk About Why Medicaid Matters

I usually blog about books and things related to books.  But, because some of you have sort of gotten to know me and care about what happens to my life, I decided to interrupt my blog and write about something really important going on in my life right now.  Next Thursday, July 7th, I am going to the White House.  My mom is meeting with the administration officials to talk about Medicaid and why it matters to us and our family.  You might be surprised how much it matter to me.  My parents have health insurance for our family from their jobs but it is not enough to cover the cost and needs that come with Mitochondrial Disease Without Medicaid I wouldn't have this blog because I wouldn't have a computer or books of my own.  My family would have declared bankruptcy years ago.  I wouldn't have my scooter to get around, I would have a cheap manual wheelchair, so I wouldn't be independent.  My parents wouldn't be able to work as much or volunteer because we would lose access to the health aide that takes care of Matthew and me when my parents can't because we can't stay home alone with our medical issues like our peers do.  My dad would have never gotten his government positions because we would need him to push wheel chairs so Matthew and I could do something.  My life would be completely different.  I can't believe some policy makers thought that they could do away with Medicaid Waivers and it would all be okay.  All the different kinds of Medicaid that exist, exist for a reason.  Doing away with any of them would significantly impact lives.  And it is better for everyone that Medicaid exists because without my Medicaid Waiver, my parents wouldn't be able to do as much as they do for the community.
So, I am going with my mom, because this matters to me and kids like me.  You can help too!    Please call and email both of your Senators and your Representative; let them know how important Medicaid is, you can tell them how it matters to your friend Laura! 


  1. Laura,

    My 14-year-old son is a reader like you, and he is starting high school this year. Part of his summer work for his civics class is choosing an issue and discussing it with his congressman. Healthcare is what he chose, and I am passing this along to him. Thank you for speaking up and sharing your experiences with us.

    Keep on reading!

    M.A. Scott

  2. Beautifully said, Laura, as always. I'm so proud of you and I know your family is, too. I will definitely be contacting my representatives. And I'll be thinking of you on July 7th!

  3. Maybe your best post ever... good luck on Thursday!
    -Sam B. from Cincinnati
