Monday, January 9, 2012

On the Road to the Newbery 2012

I had an awesome Saturday!  I got to go participate in the Mock Newbery discussion at the Allen County Public Library.  I love this annual chance to talk about all the great books I have been reading.  Saturday's discussion was for adults, but they let me participate, which I think is great training for being on the real Newbery Committee (come on ALA).  You can read about the results of the Allen County Voting here.
I will be sharing my personal picks soon!


  1. Awesome - good for you, Laura! I'm looking forward to hearing your personal picks. I'd still go with Amelia Lost, but I don't feel like I've read enough this year to really have an informed opinion.
    -Sam B. from Cincinnati (who is actually in Ft Wayne right now)

  2. Did your daughter like I Broke My Trunk? My cousins were excited to read it!

  3. Yes, Nevy loves I Broke My Trunk! (And she was excited that it picked up a Geisel Honor... well, maybe she wasn't excited, but I was!) But it isn't her favorite Elephant and Piggie book.
